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Li.Co.Li. Cultured yeast - Everything you need to know



What is it ? is a highly hydrated sourdough starter, the acronym stands forLIevitoinColturaLiquida. Sourdough is solid, poorly hydrated and needs continuous refreshment while is liquid and once ready can be refreshed even after a few days so it is less demanding at home.

How to make it.

Making at home requires only a few simple ingredients namely a starter, flour, water and a little patience. Starters can be different, for example yogurt, ripe fruit, honey, but the purpose is always the same: to capture good microorganisms that can ferment and allow doughs to rise!!! When creating lycoli, it is best to use a flour rich in fiber and ash such asType 2 flour and then switch toType 1 in subsequent refreshments.

How to use it.

Before you can use you have to refresh it but what does that mean? Refreshing is a step that allows the lycoli to stay alive, to feed itself!!! The more times you refresh the more active the yeast will be. To create a nice lively lycoli we need to do about 15 refreshments every 48 hours. Refreshments follow a simple rule: add equal parts flour and water. If we have 50 g of lycoli in the refrigerator we need to add 50 g of water and 50 g of flour and mix. After about 4 hours ( however, it depends on the temperature we have in the house and the amount of lycoli) our yeast will have doubled and can be used for baking. Of course, let's set some aside for later doughs!

Once refreshed and doubled we can make flatbreads, pizzas , breads, etc. The dilemma remains one: how much lycoli should we add to our recipes?

The correct answer is from 10 to 20% compared to the weight of flour obviously also in this case it depends there are several factors to consider, always the same, temperature and rising times.

We just have to try!!!