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Organic and sustainable. What is meant by this?


Why is it defined as organic flour?

To be organic,flour must havecertifications issued by bodies responsible for checking certainstandards imposed by the European Union. These are responsible for verifying that the requirements for such certifications have been met by the producing farm. These requirements invest on several levels the activities of farms from production to marketing.

Let us begin by analyzing the requirements that raw materials must meet.Wheat intended for millingorganicflour must be:

  • Not derived fromGMO seed;
  • Grown without the use ofsynthetic substances ( e.g., pesticides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers);

In reference to what was said a moment ago, this is only a first step, because the challenges of today 's agriculture are composed of a series of small steps that can promote virtuous habits aimed at favoring regional crops while respecting biodiversity .

TheOrganic is Sustainable?

These are the two words, often associated and sometimes confused, that represent the inescapable pair for agriculture in our times. Attention to issues concerning environmental protection translates into a series of techniques and behaviors that can reduce the impact of these activities on the earth's balance from a sustainable perspective.

Doing organic and sustainable farming means:

  • Attention to thenatural life cycles of plants, soil and animals;
  • Use ofpreventive techniques aimed at selecting pest-resistant species;
  • Use ofnatural pesticides ( plant or animal derived,microorganisms...);
  • Use oforganic fertilizers and manures ;

This transformation of the production model minimizes the impact on water resources, promotes soil conservation without modifying ecosystems, and ensures transparency and equity in a sector central to our economy.

It is, therefore, about good habits for land management. Today we can count on the advantages offered by technological systems that can digitize and perfect forms of control over the entire supply chain.

Agriculture 4.0

The modernization of processes and the use in massive doses of technology have led to the emergence ofdynamic farming methods aimed at optimizing consumption, rationalizing water and fertilizer consumption by calibrating interventions according to weather conditions in real time. All this is only possible through theanalysis and collection of data that have transformed farming intoprecisionagriculture.

"Zero Point Supply Chain" Project.

Molino Bongermino embraces this new way of thinking about agriculture by proposing with itsshort supply chain project the highest quality and transparency of the entire process that goes from the field to the table. The combination ofsustainable and organic coexists supported by the new technologies of blockchain with which the consumer will be able to know:

  • Whogrew the grain;
  • Where it was grown;
  • Where it was stored.
  • All theinformation related to the finished product

Working with us is a network of certified cereal farmers, growers of the best varieties from Puglia and Basilicata. Thanks to the quality control carried out on several levels, we can guarantee the highest standards of raw material that is always in compliance with current food safety regulations.